Thursday, September 1, 2011

Painting and Music a Great Combination

The majority of this work especially the body of the tree was painted with a palette knife. This painting has a strong textural quality due to the thick paint and knife strokes

I was listening to blues and jazz music and this landscape is what surfaced. The music didn't make me feel melancholy but you knew the singer was digging deep from a soulful place... I guess you can say trees, music, and art carry me to a special place. Today was just good day to paint.

Etsy Updates:
Tomorrow is the first Friday of the month and it's a great time for a virtual art walk on Etsy. The following are some of my favorite art teams and their links:
Finding Fine Art Team - You'll find art in every genre and medium!

Art Walk Etsy Team

Fine Art Friday Team


  1. I really like how you use purple in your landscapes and skies, Jo Ann. Great compliment with the orange-yellow of the tree.

    You might have missed it, but I actually featured one of your paintings (with said purple) in a treasury a few days ago :).

  2. Thank you for your input and yes I did see your beautiful treasury. Thank you for including me.
