Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Original Impressionist Seascape by JC Strong

I’m grateful for my friends. I’m not sure about other artists but for me painting is a solitary endeavor. I’m mainly alone when I paint and research my artwork. It’s so nice when my friends take me out of my cocoon. My little habitat is fun and filled with paints and brushes but nevertheless its still a little “arty” envelope . . .

So my friend and I took a walk out to San Onofre State Beach. The walk is filled with native plants and at the end of the trail and cliffs below you see the ocean. Well I didn’t have any paints and forgot my camera at home but thought the scene was the beginning of a painting.

My same friend went out again on a nature walk. She remembered how much I liked the cliffs and ocean and sent me some reference photos. So this painting is a combination of memory, imagination and a friend’s thoughtfulness. “It can’t get better then that.”


  1. No, you can't get better than that!
    Lovely painting, too - wonderful colors - very nice!

  2. I enjoyed hearing the story behind your beautiful painting! My best friend is a painter too. Aren't friends wonderful.

  3. Thanks Debbie Shirley and One heart for your comments. Yes friends are "wonderful."

  4. I love the colors in this JC, especially the reds. I spend my studio time alone too, just me and my radio or mp3 player. It is great to have a friend that enjoys doing that kind of thing with you and then send you pictures. Most of my friends are in the horsey world which is only slightly messier than art, but a day at the barn is just fine too. Helps get the bending over the table kinks loose.
