Monday, May 9, 2011

Original Acrylic Still Life by JC Strong

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Initially, the painting began with a lighter middle valued background but it just didn't seem to do the roses justice.

The roses were a fun and fabulous gift and they had lots of oomph. So I tried making the background luminous with darker values and color. It seemed to bring out the roses and give them more spirit and punched up the golden tones in the roses.

I'd been reading a book about the artist Robert Motherwell
an American abstract painter. His images have big blocks of color, texture and they are huge. I think his strong color sense kind of slipped into this painting.


  1. Hi Jo ann
    Your paintings are very pretty and colourful!
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Blog
    x Julie x

  2. Very nice, JC. I like the previous canyon one too.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Julie, love your miniature ACEO's they are striking.

    Ruth, thanks for the comments & also looking forward to seeing your new work.

  4. Those roses are stunning against the dark background. Great work!

  5. What a nice painterly style you have here. I love he colors you used, makes the roses pop.

    I hope you didn't lose any posts or comments. Blogger went crazy couple of days ago, and your nice comment disappeared from my blog :o(

  6. Hi! Ayala

    Posted twice today on your blog. Hope it was posted. Basicly, I appreciate you sharing your artistic journey.
