Thursday, August 5, 2010

Original Painting Watercolor Flower Mum Turquoise

This is another respectful nod to the Asian brush art forms with a California twist.... I love the organic qualities of watercolor combined with ink.

During this time, I was listening to some Blues’ music. Music and Art are a great combination. Wow, a fantasy blue mum and listening to Etta James, what could be better?

I guess for some people the "blues" can make you sad but for me it's a mellow experience. Painting as well as a good blues singer can sing, is something to strive for in this life time... You can see this painting in my Etsy Shop.
News flash Nekosjewelry Etsy Shop added this painting to their first Etsy Treasury.


  1. Ooo I love that! I love sumi-e (sumi? not sure which is right lol) paintings, have never tried one myself but I think they are so beautiful.
    I love the little pop of color :)

  2. Lovely painting! The brush strokes are beautiful.
